Water filtration donations? thank you!

Water4life Ministry is a non-profit (501c) organization, also based in San Diego, that provides water filters worldwide fulfilling a tremendous need. We have provided a small number of these filters to households in Peru via our mission and can certainly use additional ones. Our thanks to the Branch Church in San Diego (formerly Horizon Pocahontas) for donating many of these in 2012-2015.
The above video was taken in 2013 at the residence of the neighbor to our new Mission in El Carmen, San Juan Bautista. The photo above is from just a short while ago, at the newly builtand painted mission property in 2014. The photo below was from last year at the mission (pre-paint! ;-).
Make a difference in the life of a child
Please help us change lives in this earthquake area of Peru!

These filters use a micro fiber technology found in kidney dialysis equipment, making them very effective for removing bacteria and viruses from water, and even removing a families need to boil the water before using. Bottle water, although often bought by people in the cities and tourists visiting, is not a very economical solution for farm working residents who live here.
We would welcome any donations of filters via this source. We in fact, from this recent trip to Peru (October 2013), came back with eight letters from families hoping to get one of these filters (there are many more than eight that need them!! All donations to Water4lifeministry.org are tax deductable through their own 501c organization, and any donation will certainly get used wisely as there are so many places in the world that can use these filters.
If you want to donate filters to LAMA, and our current ministry in Peru, you can donate directly to us (use the donate button on the right of your screen) and designate that the funds should go to a filter, even a specific family (we will gladly share our letters with you) OR donate through Water4lifeministry.org directly and just designate that this is for LAMA-Peru. Each filter costs $50 but last a lifetime. God bless your help for this urgent worldwide health problem by providing drinkable water for everyone.