Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself: I am Gabriela Gamonal and I’m currently a volunteer at LAMA, La Misión. I was called to serve in the church in a way that I couldn’t imagine. God made it possible for me to get close to him through people I didn’t know and he used them to talk to me… specifically to me! I think he knew I needed that help. From that experience, I knew that God wanted me to serve in the church because they needed volunteers and I needed God. The first contributions I made were live broadcasts every Sunday and editing videos. I support the children’s and teen ministries, dance rehearsals and recently joined the worship leading on Sundays.
God has changed my life in a positive way, so I would like to take the next step and start DTS (Discipleship Training School) in my country. I want to discover God’s purpose for my life and continue to embrace my identity as a child of God.
¡ Hola a todos! Me presento: Soy Gabriela Gamonal y actualmente soy voluntaria en LAMA, La Misión. Fui llamada a servir en la iglesia de una manera que yo no podía imaginar. Dios hizo posible que me acercara a él por medio de personas que yo no conocía y las usó para hablarme ¡Específicamente a mí! Creo que sabía que yo necesitaba esa ayuda. A partir de esa experiencia, supe que Dios me quería sirviendo en la iglesia porque necesitaban voluntarios y yo necesitaba de Dios. Los primeros aportes que hice fueron las transmisiones en vivo cada domingo y la edición de videos. Apoyo en los ministerios de niños y adolescentes, en los ensayos de baile y desde hace poco me uní a la dirección de alabanzas los domingos.
Dios ha cambiado mi vida de manera positiva, por eso quisiera dar el siguiente paso e iniciar la EDE en mi país. Quiero descubrir el propósito que tiene Dios para mi vida y seguir abrazando mi identidad como hija de Dios
Gabriela Gamonal
Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself: I am Gabriela Gamonal and I’m currently a volunteer at LAMA, La Misión. I was called to serve in the church in a way that I couldn’t imagine. God made it possible for me to get close to him through people I didn’t know and he used them to talk to me… specifically to me! I think he knew I needed that help. From that experience, I knew that God wanted me to serve in the church because they needed volunteers and I needed God. The first contributions I made were live broadcasts every Sunday and editing videos. I support the children’s and teen ministries, dance rehearsals and recently joined the worship leading on Sundays.
God has changed my life in a positive way, so I would like to take the next step and start DTS (Discipleship Training School) in my country. I want to discover God’s purpose for my life and continue to embrace my identity as a child of God.