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2017-Mar/Apr/May Mission Trip

We returned to Peru on March 7th, and plan to stay until May 17th. We come with a good amount of plans of things to get completed, moved forward and to touch base on.

We look forward to meeting Irma Reyes, our newest resident missionary, face to face, at the Mission. Up to now we have had Skype calls with her, Facebook messages and have seen pictures and video and really appreciate her energy and hard work in working with the community. We really are excited about working and visiting along side of her.

Of course our regular missionary family, the Sanchez’s, we are equally excited about seeing again and hearing all of the progress, challenges, the recent flood relief, the success of the Hearts & Hands ministry, the youth, married couples program, and more.

Secondarily, is the continuation of the construction project we started on our last trip with the second building in the back. We need to both complete the first floor and initiate the second. We will add our blog and photo gallery links here, and welcome you to follow along with us on this trip as we move through much that we have on the table with ministries, individuals, mission needs, and working issues with the local villagers. May God guide us as we take up His work again down here, alongside his dedicated servants, Julio, Yareni, Irma & Cecia. Thank you Lord for their dedication to these, your people.

Please enjoy our blog of this trip, listed below:

Photos are located in two primary albums on our Mission Facebook Page:

Additional photo albums were made for the 3 separate Samaritan’s Purse kickoff events:

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