Peru Architectual Rendering of Planned Mission
Paul Moser, a very ‘talented’ Christian brother in San Diego helped us put this video rendition together of the planned missionary building that we have been preparing to break ground on. Thank you Paul Moser for your excellent work. I will update this video as it gets refined.
23 March 2013 update – from the mission site, last month, decisions were made to expand the building to include most of the acquired property at least for the width of the building, leaving only about a meter (3+ feet) of walkway between the mission property and the neighbors. So the rendering (in the video) definitely needs to be widened (see updated drawing on right).
The overall building was also lengthened to the west by about a meter, giving more room to the downstairs two bedrooms and the kitchen as well as the upstairs. The video will be updated in the near future to reflect these major changes. Other artist renderings can be viewed if you click here. In these rendering you will see two of the wider more current building layout, for the first two floors. One error, 2nd floor does not show the floor space taking advantage of the overhang in the back.