Our Impact
“We started this project a few years after the 2007 earthquake with a desire to ‘make an impact’ in this community that was so affected by that event. In an effort to track ourselves in what we have accomplished so far, we thought we would make this list of milestones.”

- 2010 Outreach to San Juan Bautista district, assessment of property donation, bringing womens clothing, bibles, eyeglasses, dental materials.
- 2011 Exploration of options, assessment of area, meetings with engineers, drawing up plans, meeting churches, legal and much outreach to community
- November 2013 Evangelism2012 Demolition of property. Christmas outreaches to villages of San Pedro & Invacion. Near the end of our second trip that year, from out of the blue, our neighbor came over and gave us a path to increase our property (and the resulting mission size) by 50% Thank you Lord!!
- 2013 March – Breaking ground on Mission construction

Julio, Yareni & Cecia
- 2013 November – Major Evangelism outreach at Mission led by El Shaddai Christian Communidad of Ica
2014 Anniversary celebration of one year of mission being active, while construction continues on upper floors.
2015 Construction of upper floors finalizes, welcoming resident missionary family, the Sanchez’s – Julio, Yareni & Cecia
2015 Took census of immediate communities, 450 unchurched children ages 12 & under. Another 4-500 directly north in 2nd village. Provided a Christmas outreach to reach up to 900 children in area. Mission has arrived.2016.
Excellent year of growth with resident missionaries, transfer of many activities (weekly services for adults and children) under their direction. Irma Reyes joins as an additional resident missionary. Ground breaking on 2nd building for children’s center.
2017 Many milestones:
- Outreach to help flood victims across the river from the mission.
- Expanded by request to a new large village, the District seat, at District Mayoral invitation, to outreach to children in San Juan Bautista.
- After two years of meeting with Samaritan’s Purse in USA, and making contact with their offices in Brazil and Lima, we had an Outreach to 160 ‘Samaritans Purse’ unchurched children in the 5 villages around the mission. This is the first time that Samaritan’s Purse in Peru has gone south of Lima.
- We have made operational a new second building, housing a a needed activity center on the first floor and staff lodging and kitchen upstairs. We closed the main kitchen in primary building adding it’s area to the worship functions for musical instruments and choral use. The activity center has proven to be well suited for large group meals, visiting teams. A much more functional design for needed staffing to service community.
2018 Major changes:
- Resident staff changes –
- Initiated training to become a Youth With a Mission base
- Held our 2nd year of Samaritan’s Purse ‘Gran Aventura’ training, this time with 200 children spread over 4 locations
- New Missionary family, the Barriga’s, join us from Venezuela
- Became 7th YWAM base in Peru; 2nd to own it’s own property
- Built baptismal and held first Baptisms, 6 people

- As new pioneering YWAM base, we held a Discipleship Training School from February through July, 4th teaching base in Peru
- Completed our 3rd year as Samaritans Purse training for children
- Had two separate baptisms, discipling in 6 additional people. 12 baptisms in 10 months, from Canada, Venezuela and Peru
- Completed our 2nd home project, for a widow in Altura, of a kitchen, bathroom, 24 hours of running water.
- Hosted church visit from Illinois who brought 6 suitcases of baseball equipment for the children, and did dental hygiene work on 150 mouths, and made a significant donation toward our need for a transportation vehicle.
- Christian company in USA visited to initiate some construction projects, including funding, to help villagers we identfy
- Medical ministry contact and visit to explore setting up medical team visits to mission and local clinic
“We started this project a few years after the 2007 earthquake with a desire to ‘make an impact’ in this community that was so affected by that event. In an effort to track ourselves in what we have accomplished so far, we thought we would make this list of milestones.”