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Assisting 2,000+ poor, un-churched children in rural South Peru

The Harvest is plentiful, the workers are few!


Our message to these children and their families is that they are loved. We bring a message of Jesus to them in as many ways as possible, through exercise, worship, studies, entertainment, sports, friendship, counseling, needs, listening and mainly, love.

Help & Support

We come along side these famiies and live among them with as many volunteers that we can welcome. But their needs are often greater. We also help in providing construction assistance for needy home projects, dental assist where possible, visiting doctors, donated clothing, family counseling and more


We have a tremendous need for staff, visiting volunteers, both long and short term, partnering from churches, youth groups, and more. Please consider joining us. We have recently become a YWAM base to expand our exposure to like-minded people that have a mission mindset and can see what we see here. Our dream is to make these same people we minister to, desire to minister to others as they go out in the world. In the meantime, we want to do all we can to see them be fruitful in this life and to put God first in their doing so.

Child Sponsorship

We have many children in our after school program. We run into many areas of need for clothing, medical or dental support, studies, sometimes even food. We would love to discuss with you a certain child that could use a "Padrino" (God parent). Your monthly support would help so much and we would encourage correspondence and photos to be sent to you in so doing. This is a new program but we are so excited about the results so far. Please inquire if interested.

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